Join the Mission: Keeping Babies Safe

This medallion appears on all of Newton Baby's products, certifying that Keeping Babies Safe recognizes and supports our brand's tested, proven, and—most importantly—safe sleep solutions for babies.

Newton Baby is a proud Charitable Sponsor of Keeping Babies Safe, a nonprofit organization whose prime mission is to advocate for safer children’s products and practices, thus leaving babies out of harm’s way from preventable circumstances.

Newton Baby’s contribution to KBS, in addition to those of other Charitable Sponsors, have allowed the organization to produce an educational video played on The Newborn Channel in thousands of medical facilities nationwide. Additionally, funds raised have allowed KBS to distribute useful guides to new parents upon discharge from the hospital.

Keeping Babies Safe was born out of tragedy by Co-Founder and President Joyce Davis, who lost her four-month old son, Garret, in 2000 due to complications spurred by a supplemental crib mattress that was marketed as safe. Through KBS, Joyce is determined to prevent this unspeakable heartbreak for other families by educating parents and the general public about safety standards for cribs, baby products, and sleep practices. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are 3,500 annual sleep-related deaths of babies per year in the United States alone. KBS is committed to significantly reducing that number with its numerous initiatives.

KBS is active on several fronts, including but not limited to the governmental level, where they helped facilitate the passage of federal crib safety regulations. Furthermore, the organization works with manufacturers, retailers, and the Consumer Product Safety Commission with the end goal of banning supplemental mattresses entirely from the market. On the charitable level, KBS donates safe, federally compliant cribs to families in need, believing that no family should have to compromise safety on account of financial hardship.

Keeping Babies Safe is a free, trusted resource for parents seeking reliable crib safety and product recall information, best practices for baby safety, and more. To join the mission, read more about Keeping Babies Safe or consider donating to the cause.

Newton Baby's Director of Customer Experience, Krystal, and Co-Founder, Chris, participating in a 5K benefiting Keeping Babies Safe.