Parenting & Kids

How To Choose The Best Kids' Playroom Furniture

Turning a spare room in your house into a kids' playroom? We know a thing or two about creating fun, imaginative spaces and which kids’ playroom furniture pieces should make the cut. So, if you're a little stuck on what to include, we’re here to help!

Read on as we take you through what to know about creating a personalized space in your home that your child will enjoy.

kids play furniture

5 Awesome Kids’ Fort Ideas To Beat Boredom

Whether they’re built using old blankets, pillows, cushions, or tablecloths, as parents, we love forts because they help beat boredom around the house and limit screen time. If you’ve been searching for fun and creative kids’ fort ideas, you’ve come to the right place.

It’s incredible to watch kids play in a space they’ve designed themselves. We get to hear the exciting stories they come up with and witness them tap into their creative side.

Siblings playing in a kids fort

4 Swim Safety Tips That Can Save Your Child’s Life

  Today is the day we lost Emmy. 3 years ago today she drowned. 3 years ago tomorrow, she died. In ways, it feels like yesterday and in others a lifetime ago. However, the feeling of loss is exactly the same. 3 years later, I’m now sitting face to face with what took my daughter’s life and watching my boys learn to survive. The twins are only 3 days younger than Emmy was on this day and if they were to fall in, they have the skills to survive. And the hardest part for me to grasp is what it...

4 Swim Safety Tips That Can Save Your Child’s Life

Baby Bouncer: The Complete Buying Guide For Parents

We know it can be difficult to put your newborn down when they first come home — cuddling is so much fun! Sometimes, though, you need a safe place to lay your little one when it’s time to take a shower, prepare a bottle, or grab a bite to eat. A baby bouncer is the ideal solution!

In this complete buying guide, we give you all the information you need to choose the best baby bouncer for you and your newborn.

Baby in baby bouncer

3 Tips for Parent Sleep Struggles During the Pandemic

  Can you believe it’s been a whole year since the world shutdown? Many of us have spent a whole year quarantining and going to work and school from home. Throughout this global pandemic we have found positives - more time with our immediate families, more time to bake and craft. However, we can’t deny that there have been struggles we could have never predicted. Parents must now work from home while taking care of their babies and homeschooling their children and worrying about everything.  Is it just us or does it seem like somehow we’re getting less sleep than...

3 Tips for Parent Sleep Struggles During the Pandemic

Reasons Your Baby Won't Nap, Plus 8 Tips To Help Them

“Sleep like a baby” is a nice phrase, but the reality is that little ones don’t always sleep well — especially when it comes to nap time! If your baby won’t nap, their day is thrown off and it can be oh-so-frustrating for you as a parent. We understand.

If you find yourself with a napless baby, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll go over a few potential reasons that your baby won’t nap and provide some tips to help them start sleeping.

Crying baby won't nap in crib

Working From Home With A Baby: 15 Tips For Busy Parents

Maybe you’ve always worked from home and now you’ve welcomed a new baby, or you’re now required to work from home because of unforeseen circumstances. Either way, working from home with a baby is no easy task!

Tackling work e-mails and phone calls while caring for your baby can be exhausting but enjoyable. This is why Newton Baby created 15 tips for busy parents. Follow our steps below and see how they transform your day!

Two parents working from home with a baby

Babyproofing Your Home: A Complete Checklist For Parents

A lot of preparation goes into getting your heart and home ready to welcome a new little one. And, shortly after they arrive, you’ll have another task in front of you: babyproofing. 

Making your home a safe, secure, and comfortable place for your growing child is essential! Babyproofing your entire house might seem like an overwhelming task, but it doesn’t have to be. 

Mom with child after babyproofing

Flying With A Baby: 12 Travel Tips For Parents

Whether you’re with the family on an adventure or on the move out of necessity, traveling with a baby can be a challenge, and flying with a baby even more so!

If you’re intimidated by the idea of taking your little one on a plane, first of all, know that you’re not alone. Flying with a baby presents some obstacles, but with the right preparation, it’s doable!

Newton Baby is here to fill you in on safety guidelines as well as give you some tips for making your trip as comfortable and easy as possible.

Flying With A Baby: 12 Travel Tips For Parents

Overtired vs. Undertired

Everyone knows babies need a lot of sleep. What sometimes confounds parents is the question of how long infants should sleep at each stretch. And since babies can’t exactly tell you how they feel, how do you know if they are overtired vs. undertired?

Although it’s an imperfect science at best, you can actually discern if your baby is overtired and needs to be soothed and settled to sleep or if they’re undertired and will fight Mr. Sandman (and frustrate you).

Overtired vs. Undertired