Parenting & Kids

74 Toddler Room Ideas for a Space Your Little One Will Love

When you decorated your baby’s nursery, you may not have realized how fast time would fly. Now, your little one is no longer a baby, and it’s time to transform their room into a toddler-friendly space. To help, we’ve compiled 74 toddler room ideas to inspire you.

toddler room ideas

Baby Milestones by Age: A Guide for Parents

Your baby’s first two years go by in a blur! It seems like no time passes before they go from a tiny, helpless newborn to an active and curious toddler. Along the way, they’ll hit several baby milestones that mark their growth and development.

Baby Milestones by Age: A Guide for Parents

3-Month-Old Milestones: Your Baby's Development at 3 Months

Wow, time sure flies! Your little one is already a quarter of a year old. They’re becoming more active and responsive each day, and it’s incredible to witness their growth. This month, they’ll be developing some exciting 3-month-old milestones that’ll have you beaming with pride.

3 month old milestones

How To Clean Your Pack and Play Mat: Quick and Easy Tips

Keeping your baby’s gear clean and hygienic is important, but some items are easier to clean than others. If you’re wondering how to clean your pack and play mat, you’re in the right place.

In this guide, we’ll share some quick and easy tips to help you keep your pack and play mat fresh and safe for your little one.

How To Clean Your Pack and Play Mat: Quick and Easy Tips

Baby Growth Chart: Your Baby's Development Their First Year

When you take your baby to the doctor, you’ll likely hear something like, “They’re in the 49th percentile for weight and the 75 percentile for height.” And while you appreciate the information, you might wonder what it all means. What do the numbers on a baby growth chart tell you?

In this article, we’ll break down the baby growth chart and explain how it can help you track your newborn’s development over time. We’ll also look at how you can use the information to help identify potential problems.

babies laying on crib mattress

When Do Babies Start Crawling: Timeline and Tips for Parents

Crawling begins an exciting phase in your baby’s development. Independent mobility opens up a new world of exploration and learning! But when do babies start crawling? And what are some signs that your little one is close to reaching this milestone?

When Do Babies Start Crawling: Timeline and Tips for Parents

When Do Toddlers Stop Napping: Signs to Watch For

Toddlers are notoriously energetic. With all that energy, you might notice your little one is not as sleepy as they used to be around mid-afternoon. That has you wondering: when do toddlers stop napping?

In this article, we’ll tell you the signs that it’s time for your child to drop their nap. We’ll also offer tips on transitioning their nap time to quiet time for independent play.

when do toddlers stop napping

Toddler Sleep Training: Methods and Tips for Parents

It’s bedtime and your toddler doesn’t seem to have gotten the memo. Your little one is fighting sleep tooth and nail. You have to do something because you know how important sleep is for their growth and development. Maybe it’s time for toddler sleep training.

In this article, we’ll tell you about the different methods of sleep training and give you some tips so that your little one can get the shuteye they need.

 toddler sleep training

15 Reasons Your Toddler Is Waking Up at Night and What to Do

Everyone knows that life with a newborn means constant sleep deprivation. But now your little one is well beyond that phase, yet you’re still not getting enough sleep. Why is your toddler waking up at night? And more importantly, is there anything you can do about it?

To help you answer those questions, we’ve compiled a list of the most common sleep disruptors in the toddler years. We also share simple strategies for handling each so you and your child can get the sleep you need.

toddler waking up at night

5 Tips for Setting Up a Toddler-Friendly Playroom

It’s so fun to watch your little one transition from baby to toddler! Designing a toddler-friendly playroom is not only fun, but it will help keep your toddler learning, active, and developing new skills.

5 Tips for Setting Up a Toddler-Friendly Playroom