Baby Witching Hour: What it Is and How to Cope

Picture of Robyn Rosenblum, MD, FAAP Medically reviewed by
Robyn Rosenblum, MD, FAAP

witching hour baby

You’re finally ready to relax after a long day of feeding, bathing, swaddling, and soothing your baby. But like clockwork, they start relentlessly crying for your attention. It just might be your baby’s witching hour, no broomsticks required.

In this article, we’ll tell you what a baby witching hour is and offer tips on what to do about this daily burst of fussiness.

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What is a baby witching hour?

witching hour baby

A baby witching hour is a time in the evening when it seems that all of your little one’s pent-up fussiness comes out with such force it earned a moniker that nods to the underworld. But your sweet little baby is no witch — although you may require some supernatural strength.

At first, your little one may cry and you think they’re hungry. You try to feed them, but that’s not it. They sleep for just a moment and then cry again. Nothing you do seems to satisfy them.

The good news is that your baby’s witching hour, like many other things while they’re little, is just a phase.

Generally, it will start to happen when they’re two to three weeks old, then it peaks at six weeks and may continue several weeks afterward. It’s typically over by the time they’re three to four months old.

The so-called witching hour usually happens between 5:00 pm and 11:00 pm, when your baby should be drifting off to sleep. And, although it’s called a witching hour, it doesn’t always adhere to the 60-minute limitation.

What causes a baby witching hour?

There are quite a few things that might be prompting your baby to go off-script in the evenings. Let’s take a look.


First, your baby could be extra fussy because of overtiredness. Perhaps they are not napping as long as they should be during the day.

Crummy tummy

Your baby may be suffering from gas or an upset stomach. If so, it’s no wonder they’re feeling fussy.

Too much stimulation

Siblings playing in a play pen together

The whole world is new to your little one and it just might be, well, a lot. The light, the noise, and all of the activity around them can be a bit jarring for a newborn who has been accustomed to the soothing quiet of your womb.

All the stress from this stimulation can compound in their body, prompting them to express themselves in the one way they know how to: crying.

A growth spurt

If your baby is growing rapidly, this could be what’s at the root of their fussiness. All of that growth requires extra calories, and the crying may indicate that they’re hungry.

Babies often have growth spurts around two to three weeks, and once again at three months.


What you thought was baby’s witching hour might actually be colic, another condition that peaks around the same age. The difference is that with colic, babies cry even more intensely and don’t stick to the same time every day.

Baby witching hour signs

The signs of your baby’s impending witching hour are pretty hard to miss. Your little one will be crying more often and getting clingy. They’ll also start exhibiting their sleep cues.

If you watch your baby carefully day after day, you should be able to see the storm of emotion coming and prepare yourself.

Coping strategies for witching hour

It’s not easy for parents when their baby is going through this phase. You’re already tired from the round-the-clock feedings, and with baby crying incessantly, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.

We know it’s hard, but try to relax. Your baby’s witching hour is normal and temporary. Instead of stressing, the best thing you can do is try some coping strategies. Let’s take a look.

Ensure baby’s room is sleep-ready.

As the witching hour generally happens before or around bedtime, the first step is to make sure that your baby’s room is calm and conducive to sleep.

It should be dark (blackout curtains will help) and quiet. A noise machine can mask any noise in the house and help your little one relax.

Check their mattress.

If your baby’s mattress is uncomfortable, this could be why they’re so fussy. But if it’s too soft, it poses a safety hazard.

Opt for a firm, breathable mattress, like the Newton Baby Essential Mattress or our Waterproof Mattress, which features a waterproof lining. With our firm, breathable mattresses, baby can breathe right through, giving you peace of mind that they’re safe.

On top of that, Newton Baby mattresses are washable, so you can be sure your little one is lying on a clean surface.

Adjust nap times as needed.

Getting too much or not enough sleep during the day can throw your little one off quite a bit, making them extra cranky. You might want to slightly adjust their nap schedule and see if this helps.

Gently rock your baby.

Your baby needs to be soothed, and gently rocking them will help them calm down. Rock them in your arms, or put them in a carrier and wear them as you go through your ‘to dos’ before bed.

Give baby a bath.

Sometimes a warm bath can soothe your baby and help them relax. After the bath, baby’s body temperature will go down and signal that they’re ready for some shuteye. Yes, please!

Try a pacifier.

Sometimes all that crying is not about being hungry. Give your baby a pacifier to encourage them to calm themselves with this non-nutritive sucking.

Wrap baby in a swaddle.

Mom swaddling baby for witching hour baby

Another strategy to calm a fussy baby is to wrap them in a swaddle. A swaddle is a cloth that you wrap around your baby so that their arms and legs are close to their body. This replicates the safety and security they felt in the womb.

Try a baby massage.

Calm your little one by giving them a baby massage. Gently massage them while humming, singing, or talking softly to them.

Take a walk.

Sometimes getting some fresh air can make a big difference in baby’s mood. Take a five-minute walk, then hold your baby for another five minutes before putting them back down in their bassinet, crib, or travel crib.

Consider your diet.

If you’re breastfeeding, your baby is going to be affected by what you’re eating. Try to avoid spicy foods, dairy, caffeine, or anything else that could bother them or give them extra stimulation.

Check their diaper.

twins during witching hour baby

Of course, your baby could be crying because their diaper is wet or soiled. This should be part of your daily check anytime they’re fussy, as it’s an easy problem to resolve.

Rule out gas.

You should also check whether the fussiness is due to a buildup of gas. To relieve your little one’s gas, roll them onto their tummy on a flat surface and lift and massage their belly gently.

You can also lay them on their back and make their legs move as if they were on a bicycle. This can dislodge the gas and improve their mood.

Going forward, to cut down on any air they’re sucking in while eating, make sure they’re fully latched on or, if they’re bottle fed, that the bottle’s nipple is full of milk and not air.

Write it down.

Sometimes, it’s hard to know exactly what change to make to help with your baby’s fussiness. That’s why it’s a good idea to log what they’re eating, when they’re sleeping, and any activities so that you can identify patterns.

This is also useful to share with your doctor in case you end up making a visit.

Breathe through it.

Practice box breathing to calm yourself. This relaxation technique is simple.

Inhale for four seconds, hold your breath for four seconds, and then slowly exhale for four seconds. Wait another four seconds before inhaling again. After a short time, you should feel the stress dissipate.

Tag team with your partner.

One person bearing the brunt of your baby’s evening tantrums is not ideal. Instead, your baby’s witching hour is best tackled using the buddy system, with you and your partner taking turns.

When to contact your pediatrician

If what you thought was a witching hour is accompanied by other symptoms, it’s best to visit your doctor and ensure there isn’t something else going on. These symptoms include:

  • Fever
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Lack of appetite

Take care of yourself so you can be there for your baby.

Going through the baby witching hour is hard on your little one. But, it’s hard on you too! Add to that the fact that they’re depending on you to help them cope, and the stress can be overwhelming.

That’s why it’s so important that you take care of yourself. Practicing self-care means you’ll have more energy and patience to be there for your little one when they need you most.

You may think that taking time for yourself is somehow selfish and that you should just power through this difficult time in your baby’s life. Nothing could be further from the truth! Self-care for tired and stressed-out parents isn’t an act of selfishness; it’s an act of sustainability.

When you prioritize your own well-being, you’ll have the energy and mental bandwidth to:

  • Be more patient
  • Be more present
  • Connect with your baby
  • Respond to their needs
  • Cope with stress and anxiety
  • Avoid burnout
  • Set a positive example

Here are some tried-and-true methods for practicing physical and mental self-care when looking after a witching hour baby.

1) Prioritize sleep.

Sleep is extremely important for both your mind and your body. If you don’t get enough sleep, your judgment, your patience, and even your health can suffer. That can make it even more difficult to care for a fussy baby.

A good rule of thumb is to sleep when your baby sleeps. Don’t be afraid to nap (or at least rest) when your baby naps.

Sure, you may choose to stay awake between the hours of 5 p.m. and 11 p.m. (the baby witching hour) because that’s so close to your bedtime. But consider napping once or twice during the day to maintain a clear head and good energy levels.

2) Eat a balanced diet.

Like sleep, a balanced diet is essential for staying healthy when coping with a witching hour baby. Nourishing your body with healthy foods will give you the energy you need to care for your little one through all the stressful and enjoyable stages and milestones in their life.

Make it a priority to include plenty of the following foods in your diet every day:

  • Fruits (apples, oranges, blueberries, strawberries, etc.)
  • Vegetables (spinach, carrots, celery, broccoli, etc.)
  • Whole grains (oats, rice, quinoa, popcorn, etc.)
  • Lean protein (chicken, fish, tofu, lentils, etc.)

3) Stay hydrated.

While you’re busy taking care of your newborn during the day, it can be easy to forget to stop and take a drink of water once in a while. That can be a problem if it happens too often.

Forgetting to drink water can lead to dehydration, which, in turn, can lead to fatigue and irritability — two things you want to avoid when taking care of a baby.

To stay hydrated every day, try to stick to the following routine:

  • Drink two cups of water first thing in the morning
  • Fill a water bottle with two cups of water and finish it off between breakfast and lunch
  • Drink two cups of water at lunch
  • Fill a water bottle with two cups of water and finish it off between lunch and dinner
  • Drink a cup or two of water at dinner

4) Get regular exercise.

happy baby laying on back in crib

You don’t have to go to the gym or carve out an hour for regular exercise anymore. You can certainly do that as part of your self-care if you’re able, but, if you just can’t find that much time all at once, consider short bursts of physical activity instead.

Options include:

  • Taking your baby for a brisk walk around the block or to the park
  • Stretching while your baby plays in their bouncy chair
  • Practicing yoga during tummy time
  • Playing your favorite 20-minute workout video
  • Performing a few calisthenics moves (e.g., push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, body-weight squats, lunges) for five minutes every few hours

There are plenty of ways to squeeze a bit of exercise into your busy schedule. Find the activities that work for you and make them a part of your daily routine.

5) Express your feelings.

Keeping your feelings bottled up can actually make you feel tired, run-down, and, in extreme cases, physically ill.

Don’t let your stress build up to the point that this happens to you! Talk to your partner, your friends, or your family about what you’re feeling and what you’re going through.

Even just putting your thoughts into words and getting them out of your head through journaling can go a long way to alleviating the strain, pressure, and isolation that come with caring for a witching hour baby.

6) Talk to a therapist.

If you continue to struggle with anxiety, depression, or overwhelming stress after expressing your feelings to a partner, friend, or family member, don’t be afraid to seek professional help by talking to a therapist.

Postpartum depression is a very real thing and even mild cases can interfere with your ability to care for your precious little one.

In some cases, you may need medication to help even out the feelings you’re dealing with every day. A therapist, counselor, or other medical professional can help with that.

7) Set realistic expectations.

Despite what you see on the internet, no one is perfect. And you don’t have to be either. In fact, trying to do everything right all the time is a recipe for burnout.

Instead, set realistic expectations for yourself and the way you take care of your newborn. Are they getting enough food? Are they warm and safe? Are they happy? Are they healthy? That’s all they really need!

They don’t need a fancy nursery or all the latest toys. They just need your love and support.

With the right self-care, you’ll be able to give that to them despite the stress and strain of coping with the witching hour stage of their life.

And, remember, parenting is a learning process. It’s OK to make mistakes along the way.

8) Connect with others.

Taking care of a newborn is a full-time job. But that doesn’t mean you can’t get out of the house and connect with others once in a while. In fact, we recommend making time to do so at least once a week in order to recharge your batteries.

Take your little one on a field trip to visit grandma and grandpa or on a playdate with other parents and kids.

Even visiting with a few friends at the local coffee shop, going to their house, or having them over to your house is a great way to nurture those social bonds that will help you get through caring for your baby during their witching hour.

9) Spend quality time with your partner.

Spending quality time with your partner can recharge your batteries just as much as — if not more than — many of the other self-care strategies on this list.

It may take a bit of doing to line up a sitter or find time for an uninterrupted dinner together at the kitchen table, but the rewards are well worth the effort.

If you’re having a hard time caring for your baby, don’t be afraid to talk about it for a little while. But, after getting your feelings out in the open, take some time to talk about other things and to reconnect.

Brainstorm fun family activities for the next few weeks. Dream up things to do together when the baby is older and more independent. Make plans to watch your favorite show together while your little one is napping.

Reconnecting with your partner in this way can help you maintain the mental and physical energy necessary to give your baby the love and care that they deserve.

10) Delegate tasks.

Remember, you don’t have to do it all! It’s OK to ask for help from family and friends and to delegate tasks to other members of your household.

Arrange for a friend to pick up a few necessary items from the store on their way home so you don’t have to go out. Ask a family member outside of the house to watch your little one while you run some errands.

Or, if you have older children living at home, assign them chores to help lighten your load. Even young children can vacuum, wash and put away dishes, tidy up, or sweep the kitchen floor (plus, it teaches them skills that will benefit them as they grow).

11) Take breaks.

We get it. Sometimes you don’t feel like napping when your baby does. But that doesn’t mean you always have to use that quiet time to get things done.

Taking breaks throughout the day is a great way to replenish your mental and physical energy so that you can provide the best care for your little one when they wake up.

Consider trying these suggestions to unwind and regroup:

  • Take a hot shower
  • Take a bath (if your little one will stay asleep long enough)
  • Step outside and breathe deeply
  • Read a chapter or two in your favorite book
  • Watch a TV show
  • Play a video game

12) Learn to say no.

Did you know that saying no is a form of self-care? It’s true!

Just because you’re caring for a newborn doesn’t mean that people won’t ask you to take on other responsibilities. Maybe it’s something at one of your older kid’s schools. Maybe it’s something at work.

Whatever it is, it’s OK to say no. Setting boundaries can help you prioritize your own well-being and the well-being of your family — which is the most important thing right now.

Rest assured

witching hour baby

Once you know that all the fussiness is thanks to your baby’s witching hour, you can take action. Use our tips to manage this phase, and look forward to a calmer and quieter little one.

Then, when they’re ready for bed, choose Newton Baby Greenguard Gold-certified mattresses for a safe and restful sleep. Our mattresses are firm, breathable, and even washable, ticking all the boxes of health and safety.

Pretty soon, your little one will start to feel better and you’ll enjoy peaceful evenings once again!

About the Contributors

Picture of Robyn Rosenblum, MD, FAAP

Medically reviewed by Robyn Rosenblum, MD, FAAP

Robyn Rosenblum is a general pediatrician with over 20 years of clinical experience. Her special interests include medical education and quality improvement. She is currently the Medical Director of a multispecialty practice in New York City where she also holds the positions of Director of Pediatric Continuing Medical Education and Director of Medical Student Education.

Picture of Krystal Blackman-Navarrete

Written by Krystal Blackman-Navarrete

Krystal Blackman-Navarrete leads the Customer Experience team at Newton. She combines her understanding of the benefits of better sleep with her passion for helping support families' individual journeys. A mother herself, she strives to bring safe sleep into every parent's home, knowing firsthand the comfort and peace of mind it brings.