
When your baby is cutting their first teeth, it’s uncomfortable. It’s no wonder they’re fussy and their regular schedule, including sleep, has gone out the window. If your baby is sleepier than usual as all this is happening, you might be wondering: do babies sleep more when teething?

For many new parents, there are few things as sweet as a quiet nursery at night. But that peace can quickly be shattered by baby grunting in their sleep.

Is that normal? What causes those grunts? And is there anything to worry about?

Just when you thought you had your baby’s sleep schedule down to a science, the 10-month sleep regression hits. And, suddenly, it feels like you’re back to square one.

They’re waking up more often, fighting naps, and driving you crazy with their irritability. What’s that about? Is this behavior normal? And most importantly, how do you cope when you feel like you’re running on fumes?

You’re finally ready to relax after a long day of feeding, bathing, swaddling, and soothing your baby. But like clockwork, they start relentlessly crying for your attention. It just might be your baby’s witching hour, no broomsticks required.

Your baby’s back from the hospital, and you’re ready to help them develop the skills they need as they start to grow. You’ve established “times” for everything: nap time, bed time, bath time, and meal time. The next one you’ll want to add to your little one’s repertoire is tummy time.

Babies grow and develop rapidly during their first year of life. All of that growth requires proper nutrition, which can feel overwhelming for new parents. That’s where our baby feeding chart comes in.
Babies grow and develop at an astonishing pace. One day they’re newborns, and then, poof — they’re rolling over and babbling away. As a parent, you may wonder what your little one will do next. Let’s explore the 9-month-old milestones so you know what to watch for.

You’ve prepared for the journey of helping your baby sleep through the night. You’re ready. But then you come across a concept you’ve never heard of: a dream feed.

In this article, learn what a dream feed is, how to do it, and if it’s right for you and your baby.

A stuffy nose is uncomfortable for all of us, and it’s even worse for our little ones. To get better, they’ll need plenty of rest. That’s why finding the best sleeping position for a baby with a stuffy nose is key.

For months, your baby had been sleeping well — you thought you were in the clear. Then all of a sudden, they’re at it again, awake and teary-eyed keeping you bleary-eyed. If your little one has done a bedtime 180, they’re likely experiencing an 8-month sleep regression.